Do you plan to rent your own car? It is interesting to know that rental requests for this type of car are not uncommon, it can even become a real thirteenth month for some and for others, and the rental income can cover maintenance and insurance bills... If you want to try the experience of renting car between private individuals, here are some steps you will have to take. You can also visit and learn more about renting your own car.

Go through an intermediary

First of all, it is important to know that renting a car to a private individual without an intermediary is strictly prohibited. No worries you can saty assured, the steps to take to rent your own car do not lead you to write endless contracts or follow a long administrative process! What you will have to do will be very simple, all you have to do is get in touch with a company that is specialized in this type of transactions.

Companies specialized in car rental between private individuals

There are some companies whose professional activities consist in bringing together individuals who wish to rent their own car with other individuals who wish to have a car near their home. Your rental approach will then consist in contacting this type of company in order to register your car on their rental offers. It will then be necessary for your car to be eligible for certain criteria that will vary according to the company, but in principle it can be a maximum age of the car, a regular maintenance, a certain value of the new vehicle, a defined geographical area, periods of availability... Then if your car meets all the criteria for entry into the car rental community, you won't even have to do canvassing in search of a rental customer; it's the company that takes care of it for you.

What about the car insurance?

Regarding the insurance of your car, you will not stop taking out insurance as provided by law. However, in the case of a theft, accident or even a violation of the Highway Traffic Act... occurring during the rental period, your car insurance does not come into play. In principle, the intermediary company provides in its rental contract with the tenant for car insurance to replace that of the owner, when the car is in the tenant's hands.